Management of change and leadership

About The Book

Formal organisations have been defined as those that have been developed as a tool or method for achieving specific goals. Its design outlines how objectives are split and expressed in organisational subdivisions. This organisational structure consists of divisions, departments, sections, roles, occupations, and tasks. The formal organisation is therefore required to act impersonally in its interactions with its clients or members. Change Management offers proactive methods to change that are related to company success, realistic, step-by-step instructions on handling change, and frameworks for applying various models of change to various scenarios. A variety of subjects related to leadership and change management are covered in the reference book. In order to promote a critical viewpoint and a deeper understanding of this crucial subject area, it depends on a thorough examination of pertinent change management literature. This book provides readers with answers to issues such as why change management frequently fails and why people are overlooked in conventional accounts of change management. The current book has been written in a clear manner so that a layperson can readily grasp it. The book was developed following a thorough examination of the ideas and presumptions underlying many leadership and change management philosophies used in contemporary business.

ISBN 9781778807158
Author Wade Ellen
Publication Year 2023
Category Management
Price $158.00

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Wade Ellen is Co-Director of change management firm the Centre for Systemic Change. Prior to this, he served as a global programme director. He is widely considered as the finest expert on the subjects of transformation and leadership. He is the leading expert on how the most effective firms carry out transitions. More than 34 translations of his works have been published. The reader of his book will gain a practical, in-the-matter understanding of a number of leadership facets that are typically ignored in management textbooks, such as the nature of new realities and how managers can increase their insight into them, as well as how leaders can spot and get past resistance to change