Management of the Supply Chain

About The Book

Because of the increasingly global nature of the economic landscape, even the most modest of businesses are being forced to compete with an expanding pool of international suppliers and customers. Along with this comes a plethora of changes on a cultural, organisational, and technical level, which puts established management techniques to the test. In the long run, it will be necessary for all businesses to synchronise the flow of their products, information, and cash. This is true even if different approaches are used to meet the various difficulties. This book focuses on concepts, principles, and real-life experiences that improve comprehension of supply chain management (SCM). Across a wide range of fields, the information that was available has been studied and synthesised. This book was written with the intention of making a contribution to the existing body of material that is accessible on supply chain management. This study, which is filled to the brim with novel ideas and methods, will appeal to a wide variety of readers, but it will particularly resonate with academics, researchers, and students of management, economics, and business.

ISBN 9781778807912
Author Rebecca Rudick
Publication Year 2023
Category Management
Price $171.00

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Rebecca Rudick is Chair of Excellence in Business in the Department of Marketing, Logistics, and Transportation, Rebecca Rudick is now teaching students. He is a member of the editorial advisory board for a number of different professional publications, in addition to having produced a large number of books and articles. His most recent writings have concentrated on relationship marketing, logistics, and supply chain management, and up until very recently, he served as a coeditor of The International Journal of Logistics Management. Rebecca Rudick has been acknowledged as one of the top five most prolific authors in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and as the most prolific author in the Journal of Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Both of these honours were bestowed upon Rebecca Rudick. He has contributed to seven books as a co-author, including supply chain management, sales forecasting management, simulated product sales forecasting, marketing today, and readings in marketing today. In addition, he edited the monograph marketing education software.