Management of Tourism: Problems And Prospects

About The Book

Because of the exponential growth that the tourist sector has had over the past several decades, there is going to be an increased demand for experts in the business. As a result, the study of tourism is becoming an increasingly popular subject among students all over the world. The current book is being written with the curricula of a number of different educational institutions, including universities and colleges, in mind. Tourism Management is one of the essential papers. This text provides students with an introduction to the fundamentals of tourism management and includes them throughout. It provides a comprehensive analysis of what tourism is all about, complete with suitable examples wherever they are required, and every effort is made to make the book engaging for the audience. This book covers a wide range of topics, making it an all-encompassing resource on the travel and tourism sector. It doesn't matter if you're a student, a teacher, a professional, or just an average person; this book should be required reading for anyone who has even a passing interest in tourism. It is written in a straightforward and straightforward manner so that it can be understood.

ISBN 9781778807967
Author Reyes Juan
Publication Year 2023
Category Travel & Tourism Management
Price $158.00

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Reyes Juan is a Professor of Tourism Management. His education at the Institute of Tourism and Travel Management culminated in the awarding of a postgraduate diploma in travel and tourism management. He headed the teams that produced the tourist policy and strategy for foreign, devised strategies for companies that set trends such as Sandals International and Conservation Corporation, and developed the