Microbes' Genetics and Physiology

About The Book

Living things' metabolic processes are based on their underlying genetic machinery. The plasticity and adaptability of their genomes have formed the foundation for the diversity of physiological processes in living things at both the micro and macro levels. The primary topics covered by the fields of hereditary and physiology of microorganisms are the diverse mechanisms of metabolic processes and an equally diverse array of genetic patterns. This book maintains the previous editions' smart, approachable association. For anybody who wants to understand the mechanisms underlying cell survival and development, a preface to cell structure and the amalgamation of cell pieces is offered, followed by itemised dialogues of genetics, digestion, development, and control. This comprehensive resource integrates fresh information learned from many genomic endeavours and addresses the topic from an advanced atomic hereditary point of view. However, in relation to microorganisms, microbial genetics controls their structure, association, transmission, potential for characteristics, and the origin of variation in them. These two areas of microbiology have received a lot of recent research attention and are actually the natural sciences' central tenet.

ISBN 9781778806908
Author Rudolph Kenny
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Rudolph Kenny is associate professor in the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Chandler School of Medicine at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. He is the author of the several books. He has written and published several research papers and has written 15 chapters in different microbiology, genetics and physiology book.