Microbiology And Immunology

About The Book

Immunology is the study of how we defend against and react to foreign macromolecules and invasive species. Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and even more powerful parasites are some of these invaders. In autoimmune and tumour immunity, we also produce immune responses against our own abnormal cells and proteins, respectively. Innate immune responses protect the body, but they are only effective against infections that exhibit specific molecular patterns or that cause the release of interferons and other non-specific defences. As they are controlled by genome-coded receptors, they prevent the formation of memories. The study of microorganisms, or organisms with microscopic dimensions, is known as microbiology. These organisms are too small for the unaided human eye to see clearly. When an object is less than 0.1 mm in diameter, the eye cannot perceive it at all, and when an object is more than 1 mm in diameter, only very little information can be perceived. By converting inorganic and organic matter into life-supporting molecules and purifying wasted trash, microorganisms serve society. They have historically been used as little factories to make cheese, alcohol, and antibiotics. Through the development of biotechnology, microorganisms have also been modified to create a wide range of goods for human benefit. But microorganisms have also caused significant harm to populations of humans, animals, and plants through sickness, food spoilage, and the fouling and deterioration of man-made structures. This book's primary goal is to comprehend and interpret the most important contemporary issues in the fields of microbiology and immunology.

ISBN 9781778807028
Author Kinslee
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Kinslee Paul is a Professor of microbiology and immunology, MD, Ph.D. Kinslee Paul’s most authoritative and enlightening book on medical microbiology offers a fully updated handbook on many elements of microbiology and infectious diseases. He is the author of six books, including ones on immunity, robots, and biomechanics, as well as more than 70 academic articles. About 33 research pieces by Kinslee Paul have been published in reputable national and international journals and conference proceedings. He has a sizable clientele as a forensic consultant. He enjoys widespread praise from critics around the world, and his novels have won numerous prestigious honours.