Microbiology in Dairy

About The Book

This book contains updated and enlarged information on dairy foods, milk, producing animals, probiotics, and whey conversion. Applied Dairy Microbiology addresses rumen microbiology and microbial milk production. Explores the causes and contamination of raw milk, offering remedies for raw milk, fluid milk products, concentrated and dried milk. A dairy collects milk for human use from cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, horses, or camels. A dairy is usually on a dedicated dairy farm or milk-harvesting part of a multifunctional farm. Country-specific terms vary. Milking Parlors are farm buildings used to collect milk. Milk and milk products dominate human dietary profiles. Dairy Microbiology is the study of all milk-related microorganisms. Milk is a full, fresh, clean lacteal secretion from a healthy milch cow with the minimal fat and non-fat substances. This book covers dairy microbiology fundamentals and practical applications, including starter cultures and genetic engineering. The book includes current GMP, QC, and product development standards.

ISBN 9781778806496
Author Faten Falvey
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $191.00

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Faten Falvey is a dairy engineering researcher and lecturer. She earned a master's degree in food technology from the University of Virginia. She wrote multiple research papers and articles that were published in reputable publications, as well as several scholarly books in his field of expertise. She has attended several national and international conferences where she has presented learned papers. Gabriella Slater is a member of the Department of Food Technologists and has extensive worldwide expertise in both the technical and managerial sides of dairy product manufacturing. She also held the position of Dairy Science and Technology Consultant.