Microbiology of Food

About The Book

The field of food microbiology, which is a subset of applied microbiology, is quickly increasing in order to safeguard food from microbial decomposition and offer consumers safe, wholesome food. We are currently experiencing a global food crisis; food produced is food saved. The study of the fundamental factors influencing the existence, activity, and management of microbes in food is known as food microbiology. With a plethora of useful knowledge about the most important aspects and principles that affect microorganisms in food, the course also includes the main concepts needed to achieve the minimal standards for degrees in food science. The production of food, beverages, cheese, yoghurt, tempeh, kimchi, beer, and wine, among other things, is the main focus of food microbiology. with the aid of microorganisms. Almost everyone is aware that bacteria may make food deteriorate. This branch of food microbiology is extremely significant economically. The study of bacteria, fungus, protozoa, and algae, which represent the start and finish of complex food chains on which all life depends, is included in the field of science known as microbiology. These food chains start wherever it is possible for photosynthetic organisms to capture light energy and use it to create the large molecules—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—that all other living things use as food. These large molecules are created from carbon dioxide, water, and mineral salts. Microorganisms gather and alter molecules within and on the surfaces of all living things, as well as in soil and water, to extract energy and ingredients for growth. Food microbiology is becoming a fascinating and difficult subject. The connection between microorganisms, foodborne illnesses, and food fermentations is one of the key topics covered in the current book.

ISBN 9781778806762
Author Aaron
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $178.00

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Aaron Fele is a Professor Emeritus who works at the Department of Biological Sciences. Enzymology fundamentals, food processing and product creation, kitchen care, kitchen maintenance, and processing management are some of his research interests. He has been employed in this field for the last 12 years. He has arranged numerous seminars and workshops at the state level and has published numerous articles in periodicals published both domestically and internationally. The current, highly regarded text by Aaron Fele covers the entirety of contemporary food microbiology. To reflect the most recent advancements in the industry, it has been completely redesigned and updated