Molecular genetics of Humans

About The Book

Over the past 20 years, the study of molecular genetics has undergone a variety of revolutions, greatly advancing our understanding of the molecular basis of gene structure and function. Human molecular genetics is the study of the molecular causes of genetic disorders in humans, developmental genetics, neurogenetics, chromosome structure and function, molecular aspects of cancer genetics, gene therapy, biochemical genetics, significant developments in gene mapping, and knowledge of genome organisation. Genetics is the study of how genes influence features or characteristics in living organisms and how those traits are passed down via families. Genes are sections of DNA molecules that control how living things behave. Genes are passed down from one generation to the next through the meiosis and reproduction processes. A parent transmits specific genes to their children or offspring through the biological process of heredity. While genomics evaluates all of the genetic data to identify biological markers predisposing an individual to disease, genetics only takes information from one or two genes to explain a disease or condition. The section of DNA code that is most well-understood is the gene. Most genes distinctly encode the data sequence that corresponds to a specific protein. However, the total number of genes makes up a very minor portion of the DNA code. Perhaps only 4% of human DNA is made up of the 30,000 or so genes. The main facets of life science are covered in full in this book.

ISBN 9781778807004
Author Bentick Wolf
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Over the past 20 years, the study of molecular genetics has undergone a variety of revolutions, greatly advancing our understanding of the molecular basis of gene structure and function. In order to study the structure and function of genes at the molecular level, the science of molecular genetics uses techniques from both molecular biology and genetics. An understanding of inheritance, genetic variation, and mutations can be gained through studying an organism's chromosomes and gene expression. This is helpful for understanding and treating genetic illnesses as well as developmental biology research.The study of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level is the main goal of molecular genetics. The evolution and gene inheritance are topics of study for molecular geneticists. They are intrigued by how genes regulate the growth and operation of living things. The study of genetic changes in cancers and the mapping of the human genome to find disease-related genetic anomalies are all results of molecular genetics, which has also led to the creation of new methods and tests. Although the focus is on genes, molecular genetics also covers cellular, developmental, and molecular biology.The study of heredity is called genetics. A parent transmits specific genes to their children or offspring through the biological process of heredity. Every child receives genetic material from both biological parents, and these genes in turn express particular characteristics. Some of these characteristics may be physical, such as hair, eye, and skin colour. Because of mutations, which are essentially