Nutrition And Food Science

About The Book

Food science is a highly practical, cross-disciplinary field of study. It includes ideas from a wide range of disciplines, including biochemistry, chemical engineering, and microbiology. The study of nutrition focuses on how the body reacts metabolically and physiologically to food. The study of nutrition is becoming more and more concerned with metabolism and metabolic pathways—the series of biochemical steps by which substances in living organisms transform from one form to another—as a result of developments in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. A thorough textbook specifically created to fulfil the demands of students studying hospitality studies, hotel management, and catering technology is called Food Science and Nutrition. All facets of food, nutrition, and human health are thoroughly covered in Food Science and Nutrition. This book's goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive and current understanding of food science and nutrition. Science of food and its nutritional worth. With the growth of the project, there has been a perceived need for a text book outlining the composition and physical characteristics of foods as well as some of the key elements influencing their nutritional value. This book was developed with the intention of educating readers about the science behind handling food in a technical and scientific way while maintaining its nutritional value. The book opens with a comprehensive examination of the complexities of food science, including its significance, the methods and guiding principles, the evolution of foods, the fields and facets of food that are engaged, etc.

ISBN 9781778806779
Author Antonio
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $191.00

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Antonio Curie is a professor In the Fluman Nutrition and Department of Food Science. For more than 15 years, Antonio Curie has been a food science and nutrition educator. Antonio Curie has written books on cooking, food preservation, and food science and nutrition. Jimmy regularly participates in consulting initiatives, the creation of curricula, and dietary counselling. Antonio Curie is an expert in the study of food science and nutrition and the author of numerous articles that have been published. Antonio Curie teaches courses in nutrition education's community practise section as well as food science, management, and foodservice operations. Jimmy also teaches nutrition classes. Antonio Curie also serves as an adjunct professor for the Nutrition & Food Sciences department