Online Crime

About The Book

Online crime stems from our increasing reliance on technology. Today, everything from microwaves to nuclear power plants is computerised. Cybercrime is sinister. Cybercrime challenges law enforcement and society. To understand why, consider how cybercrime differs from regular crime. Internet crime is net-crime. Cyber-crimes combine these two elements and can be defined as "Offenses committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the victim's reputation or cause physical or mental harm directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as the Internet (Chat rooms, e-mails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)". Since Cyber Crime is an emerging field, there is no global Cyber Crime legislation. Cyberspace is tough to investigate for this reason. This book examines technological, legal, and societal Cyber Crime concerns. Cyber Crime encompasses crimes where a computer is the goal, crimes where a computer is used to commit another crime, and crimes when a computer plays a secondary function, such as providing evidence.

ISBN 9781778806465
Author Peter Dawson
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $158.00

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Peter Dawson is a lawyer and a legal researcher. He wrote the book Cybersecurity: The Security Control, The Metrics, Online Fraud detection , Cyber Security Frameworks for all, and Best Practices. He has several peer-reviewed academic publications and book chapters to his credit. He has written several articles for important IT periodicals on a variety of topics. Paul Dawson specializes in information security, risk assessment, and information system auditing. He works on compliance and assurance projects in the domains of information security and IT governance. He is a well-known lecturer on the topic of information security at prestigious Military institutes. He is currently a Research Officer at the Global Government Law school. He also offers specialist cyber security services to a small set of corporations and leaders worldwide in the military, technology, and communication sectors.