Operations Research: A Basic Overview

About The Book

Operations Research: An Introduction is the study of optimization methods is known as operations research, 2e. This operations research book reinforces the ideas covered in each chapter with solutions in order to meet the syllabi requirements of Indian universities. This book stands out because it emphasises coherence and clarity while guiding readers through the solutions step-by-step.

ISBN 9781778807462
Author Peter Henrick
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $184.00

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Peter Henrick is a professor of industrial engineering at a university where he teaches operations research and simulation courses and carries out research in these fields. From the start of his writing career, he had a knack for literature. He has spent the last four years in the sector working consistently on several languages. He won numerous more research and teaching prizes, including the Alumni Award for Excellence in Research. He speaks three languages well and has worked in the Middle East and Europe. Peter Henrick has written several book chapters as well. His publications have been published by the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science's