Organizations of the World Trade

About The Book

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organisation that is in charge of regulating commercial activity on a global scale. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which began operations in 1948, was succeeded by the World Trade Organization (WTO) on January 1, 1995. This was made possible by the Marrakesh Agreement, which was signed by 123 states on April 15, 1994. It is the international economic organisation that has the most members in the globe. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is responsible for the regulation of international trade in goods, services, and intellectual property. It does this by providing a framework for the negotiation of trade agreements and a dispute resolution process with the goal of enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements. These agreements are signed by representatives of member governments and ratified by their parliaments. The majority of the topics on which the World Trade Organization (WTO) focuses are the result of past trade discussions, most notably the Uruguay Round (1986-1994). The current book is the product of extensive research that was carried out on the subject of the World Trade Organization. This book is a continuation of the author's past writings on the modern developments of the WTO, with a particular emphasis placed on the politics of regional trading blocs throughout this book. The manner in which the subject of WTO is being discussed makes the ever-growing consensus on the co-existence of politics and economics very clear. The shortcomings and imbalances that have been observed as a result of the WTO system are exposed in this book, and it also draws attention to the important decisions that the member nations of the WTO will need to make in the upcoming negotiations.

ISBN 9781778808032
Author Judy Teff
Publication Year 2023
Category Political Science
Price $171.00

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Judy Teff is a Professor of International and Economic Law, Head of the Department of International Law, Director of Studies for the Faculty of Law. Judy Teff is a multi-talented legal professional. Additionally, he holds the position of assistant professor of international relations in addition to his duties as deputy managing Director of the World Trade Institute. Judy Teff is the recipient of a number of university prizes, has presented his work on the topic of law and trade, and has a number of works that will soon be published in journals. Within the World Trade Organization (WTO), Judy Teff serves as a member of the Appellate Body. In this volume, he discusses the institutional structure, the fundamental principles, and the extensive body of World Trade Organization regulations. He has written over 86 journal articles and book chapters in addition to over six books that he has authored. He is a highly regarded expert in the field of Trade. At this time, he is the director of a new research project that is focusing on the effects that the current global economic crisis is having.