Physical Activity and Sport Physiology

About The Book

Physiology is the study of the physiological bases of movement, the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic services for the assessment, enhancement, and preservation of health and fitness, the rehabilitation of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases and/or disabilities, and the expert guidance and counselling of athletes and others interested in athletics, sports training, and human adaptation to acute and chronic exercise. Physiology of Sport and Exercise, the standard text for introductory courses in exercise physiology, has been revised extensively In both content and presentation. Expansion of existing data on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and obesity around the world, as well as new studies on the health benefits of exercise. When it comes to summarising the most recent results in the field and presenting them in an approachable manner, Physiology of Sport and Exercise is unrivalled.

ISBN 9781778807554
Author Robert Walson
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $158.00

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Robert Walson is a retired professor of biology at the community college level. He became interested in the field of human physiology. In the Benjamin/Cummings Series for P.E., his book, Human Anatomy and Physiology, is included. The regular structures and functioning of all body systems are explained and demonstrated in great detail in the latest edition of Robert Walson’s Anatomy and Physiology. He has a wealth of experience instructing high school and college students in anatomy and physiology. About 42 of Robert Walson’s research pieces have been published in academic journals and other scholarly publications at the national and international levels. At Bulgaria, Robert Walson holds the rank of full professor. He has a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and a Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Science. In his more than twenty five years as a professor, he has Instructed students at every level. Physical education majors benefited from his knowledge of anatomy and physiology, which he taught to them. The National Council on Resource Development honoured him with the Benefactor Award. In the fields of Neuroscience, Anatomy, and Pharmacology, he has authored or co-authored a number of books and scholarly articles. He coordinated the development of the updated Interactive Physiology modules and contributed to the newest Immune System module. Robert Walson is an involved member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society and has acted as a consultant for the Interactive Physiology.