Physiology of Microbes Ecology and Genetics

About The Book

The previous editions’ logical, straightforward organisation is still present in Microbial Physiology. For those who want to comprehend the processes underpinning cell survival and growth, a thorough explanation of genetics, metabolism, growth, and control is presented after an introduction to cell structure and the production of cell components. This thorough reference covers the topic from a contemporary molecular genetic standpoint, using fresh knowledge discovered through numerous genome studies. This book’s main goal is to identify and draw attention to the concepts and approaches that help us understand organismal or genetic persistence. Additionally, details on how microbial physiology, genetics, and ecology affect microorganism persistence or how persistence is measured will be covered. More fundamental knowledge on the ecology of bacteria in the natural environment is therefore desperately needed. Both the risk target and the critical exposure level must be defined in order to assess the underlying dangers of releasing genetically modified microorganisms

ISBN 9781778807318
Author David Thomas
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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David Thomas is the co-author of Practical Methods in Molecular Biology is also a professor of the biology department. He has received both an NIH Career Development Award and a Helen Hay Whitney Post-Doctoral Award. His current work examines the mechanism of regulation of the E. coli using genetics, physiology, and recombinant DNA technology. Joseph Harris oversaw the National Institutes of Health's enormous Human Genome Project, which aimed to understand the entirety of the human species' genetic code. For his work, he has won numerous accolades and trophies. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was also awarded to him. Donna Scott is a Senior Lecturer in the Biological Sciences Department and a participant in the Genetics and Neuroscience programmes. She previously served as a member of the faculty for the Developmental Biology programme, the Department of Neuroscience, and the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. She has written Weedy and Invasive Plant Genomics, Plant Transformation Technologies, Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Cytology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, and Research Ethics for Scientists: A Companion for Students in addition to the earlier edition of Genetics and Biotechnology. She has also participated in numerous advisory panels for the National Institutes of Health.