Plant Diseases And It’s Genetics

About The Book

Fungi, bacteria, and viruses are frequently to blame for plant illnesses. There are more illnesses that are brought on by unfavourable environmental factors. Two mechanisms—pre-formed structures and chemicals as well as immune system reactions brought on by infection—protect plants from illness. Disease tolerance refers to plants that show little disease damage despite high pathogen levels, whereas disease resistance refers to a plant's ability to reduce pathogen development on or inside it. The virus, the plant, and the environment work together in a three-way interaction to define the course of the disease. The treatment of diseases has been one of the earliest and most well-known applications of genetic modification technology in crops. One example is the removal of the need for pesticides against some pests by the insertion of a Bacillus thuringiensis gene into crops like corn, which provided protection against harm caused by specific insects. Another illustration is how crop modification made it possible for plants to live despite the spraying of glyphosate by causing the route that the chemical affects to induce plant death to cycle more frequently. The book offers comprehensive knowledge on bacteria and bacterial plant diseases. It covers the background, composition, classification, unique DNA features, and unique behaviours of bacteria. The book not only satisfies the students' desire for difficult-to-find and accessible material on diseases and other medical situations, but it also provides comprehensive, methodical study of the topic from their perspective.

ISBN 9781778806922
Author Edward Snowden
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Edward Snowden teaches Microbiology as a senior lecturer. He has given lectures at several universities, served on panel. He has written almost 265 research papers, book chapters, and monographs alone or with collaborators. The Best Teacher and Researcher Award was given to him. Rowan Phelps is a specialist in genetics, embryology, and pathology