Pollution of the Air/ Air Pollution

About The Book

Air pollution can take many forms, but it is commonly defined as gaseous and particle contaminants found in the earth's atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), hydrogen fluoride (HF), and other gaseous forms of metals are examples of gaseous pollutants. Large stationary sources, such as fossil-fuel-fired power stations, smelters, industrial boilers, petroleum refineries, and manufacturing facilities, as well as area and mobile sources, produce these pollutants. They are corrosive to many materials, causing damage to cultural resources, harming ecosystems and species, exacerbating respiratory ailments, and reducing visibility. Plants can be harmed by air pollution in a variety of ways. Injury to the foliage may be obvious quickly as necrotic lesions (dead tissue), or it may develop slowly as yellowing or chlorosis of the leaf. The growth of certain parts of a plant may be reduced. Plants can be destroyed instantly, although they normally do not die until they have been repeatedly injured. Today's marketplace is becoming increasingly reliant on meeting a plethora of local environmental requirements, the demands of environmentally conscious clients, and global voluntary environmental programmes. Industry has made significant strides in its efforts to safeguard the environment, spending hundreds of billions of dollars to reduce toxic substance release into the environment while also inventing solutions to reduce or eliminate hazardous waste generation. Many industries are adjusting their approach to environmental requirements as a result of initiatives and technological advancements. The book gave information on the rational basis for air quality management and the establishment of green belts in urban areas.

ISBN 9781778806076
Author Arthur Jemison
Publication Year 2023
Category Environmental Science
Price $178.00

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Arthur Jemison is a professor, researcher, administrator, and educator. He received his education in a number of small communities in Virginia, as well as in Georgia. He received his bachelor's degree in soil science and botany from the University of Waterloo in Georgia. He earned his Master's degree after completing his bachelor's degree. He earned his Ph.D. in Botany from Pennsylvania State University. He began his career as an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania before moving on to become an associate professor at the University of Georgia. He also served as a research scientist at Air Pollution Research Center in the Department of Horticulture in the School of Agriculture/Citrus Experiment Station. The Center participated in research on the effects of various air contaminants on plants. He co-authored numerous significant publications with another plant physiologist. His publications and periodicals demonstrate his knowledge and expertise in his subject. He serves as a regular reviewer and on the editorial boards of several international journals. His government also honoured him with the Young Scientist Award for his contributions to soil research.