Principles and Techniques of Environmental Psychology

About The Book

Environmental psychology continued to have a dual focus on research and application and moved closer to doing so. Researchers conducted controlled experiments to test their hypotheses, and practitioners used the results in facility programming, design, and post-occupancy evaluation. Environmental design research, which uses a natural setting to enhance environmental design and test scientific concepts, showed the most obvious connection. The interaction between people and their surroundings is the focus of the interdisciplinary field of environmental psychology. The term "environment" is defined extensively in the discipline to include built surroundings, social contexts, learning environments, and informational environments. The study of the relationship between an environment and the effects it has on its inhabitants is known as environmental psychology. A issue must be identified in order for certain components of this discipline to function, and by doing so, a solution must be found. The answers may help society as a whole operate more effectively and generate a lot of knowledge about how societies operate internally. Academics as well as laypeople will find this book to be educational and helpful. All of the key facets of environmental psychology are covered in this book. The reader is given the methodological and theoretical perspective of the area as well as a historical overview of environmental psychology.

ISBN 9781778806649
Author Carl Zeiss
Publication Year 2023
Category Psychology
Price $171.00

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Carl Zeiss is a Professor of psychology and environmental studies. He was the National Science Foundation's Program Director for Social and Developmental Psychology in the Division of Behavioral and Neural Sciences. In addition to seven editions of the textbook Environmental Psychology: Principles and Practice, he is the author of more than 89 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. In addition, he is the editor of Journal of Environmental Psychology. The Entrepreneurship Research Conference's Best Work Award went to his paper on the reasons why aspiring entrepreneurs start their businesses. The editorial boards of Applied Psychology, Architectural Science Review, and Global Environmental Change all include Carl Zeiss. He belongs to the Society of Experimental Social Psychology and is a Fellow of the National Psychological Society