Principles Of Enzymology

About The Book

The study of enzymes is the focus of the scientific field of enzymology. Researchers in this area can put their expertise to use in a variety of ways, from creating drugs to replace the enzymes the body doesn't produce to finding ways to use enzymes in manufacturing. Proteins called enzymes catalyse chemical processes. The molecules at the start of an enzymatic reaction are known as substrates, and the enzyme changes them into new ones known as products. Enzymes are essential for almost all biological cell activities to proceed effectively. It offers a very useful and industrially focused explanation of the use of enzymes in industrial processes, applications of enzymes for biosensors and diagnostics, animal feeds, baking, brewing, and other opebrewing like protein hydrolysis, detergent, effluent treatment, flavours, fruit processing and many more.

ISBN 9781778806816
Author Daniel Jovs
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Daniel Jovs earned his doctorate in Switzerland. He has published 26 publications in different peer-reviewed national and international journals in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, proteomics, food chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, enzyme immobilisation, medicinal chemistry. He has written 12 book chapters with foreign publishers. Another book is being released right now. Daniel Jovs is a member of the editorial boards of five international publications, Molecular Biology and Developmental Microbiology.