Principles Of Genetics

About The Book

The study of genes—what they are, what they do, and how they function—is known as genetics. The manner that different features are inherited by living beings is determined by the information carried by the sequence of genes that make up the nucleus of a cell. For instance, because they have inherited a portion of each parent’s DNA, children born through sexual reproduction typically resemble both of their parents. Genetics describes how traits are passed down from one generation to the next and defines which traits are inherited. The goal of the fundamentals of genetics is to give readers a solid understanding of the subject’s foundational ideas and ideas. The topic has been presented in an effort to be clear, brief, and explicit. A shorter, more practical introduction to genetics course is what Elements of Genetics is designed to fill. This text's concentration is on genetics' foundations, which are presented as simply and succinctly as possible. Genetics also examines how a cell divides (through mitosis or meiosis) and how genes are turned on and off to govern what substances are produced in a cell. Another illustration is height, which is influenced by both nutrition and heredity. Teachers, students, researchers, and general readers can all benefit greatly from this original exposition on the fundamentals of applied genetics

ISBN 9781778806823
Author Joseph Wagner
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Joseph Wagner is a Senior Scientist in Department of Genetics and plant sciences at the university of Pennsylvania. He has written and edited numerous publications on genetics and genetic engineering and technology. He has written more than 250 research articles and book chapters on topics including plant biotechnology, plant science. Over the past 14 years, Joseph Wagner has worked as a researcher and educator in topics like genetics, plant biotechnology, plant science. Based on Joseph Wagner years of expertise instructing a genetics and biotechnology course, this book was written. He has taken part in a number of national and international seminars where he has delivered academic papers. Joseph Wagner is the author of books on topics including Cell Biology for Biotechnologists & geneticists, Concepts in Applied Genetics, and Biotechnology. In addition to numerous scholarly books in his field of expertise, Joseph Wagner has written numerous research papers and essays that have been published in reputable journals. He has taken part in numerous national and international conferences where she has delivered academic papers. He has participated in various research projects funded by numerous national and international organisations working in the fields of biotechnology and genetics.