Print Media And Radio And Television Journalism

About The Book

Many young men and women are drawn to the field of broadcast journalism, and they are pursuing advanced degrees in the field at journalism schools, universities, and other centres of mass communication. In fact, the focus of media is on the many different written and oral formats that are employed to disseminate information. This book gives an engaging examination of the craft of mass media and journalism. Without a doubt, this is the perfect reference for journalism students, aspiring journalists, and seasoned pros alike. The electronic age has fully arrived in today's media and journalism. In this book, the most recent discoveries and innovations are systematically outlined. Journalism, Journalism & Mass Communication, Mass Media, Media Studies, Communications, Communication & Mass Media, and a plethora of other names have been used to describe various media-related courses, programmes, departments, and schools in recent years. The book's accessible writing style ensures that readers of all experience levels will be able to grasp the author's arguments. The need of putting oneself in the shoes of one's audience is emphasised throughout the entirety of this comprehensive guide to writing news for the broadcast media.

ISBN 9781778807677
Author Benny James
Publication Year 2023
Category Journalism
Price $158.00

Enquire Now



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Benny James has an advanced degree in journalism and mass media. He's been a senior journalist at a national outlet for 15 years. His career spans both print and film. He stayed at TV News for six years, rising to Channel Head during that time. Over the course of his career, he has held several prominent positions in the media industry. As a reporter, he has covered a wide range of stories on a national and international scale. Furthermore, he studied at the South-Asian Workshop for Television Journalists. Both on a national and international scale, he covered news stories as a journalist. Over the course of more than a decade, he has worked in the JMC division.