Psychological Evaluation

About The Book

After World War II, the field of psychological testing flourished. Kline has designed these elements with students in mind, easing them into increasingly complex concepts while maintaining an emphasis on their real-world applications. An accessible primer on the fundamentals of psychological testing and their practical implementation in the academic, clinical, and occupational spheres. Psychological Testing fills a void in the market for a student-friendly reference book on psychological testing by giving readers an understandable and comprehensive overview of the topic. This book introduces students to the fundamental ideas, problems, and methods of psychological testing, and shows them how they apply to real-world situations in classrooms, workplaces, and hospitals. This book elaborates on all of these points.

ISBN 9781778807707
Author Corrin Moody
Publication Year 2023
Category Psychology
Price $158.00

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Corrin Moody is a well-known psychologist who is recognised all over the world for her expertise in the field of psychological testing, specifically in the areas of evaluating and interpreting intelligence tests, conducting tests in a culturally neutral manner, and tackling the methodological challenges of creating new tests. She gained notoriety when she provided a solution to psychology's age-old nature-nurture debate by arguing that the two factors function as mutually influential interactions. The group presented her with their highest accolade, the Gold Medal Award. For all her contributions to science, she has been honoured with the nation's highest scientific honour, the National Medal of Science. Corrin Moody holds two professional licences in addition to that of an attorney: in the field of psychology and the law. The National Board of Professional Psychology has granted her certification as a clinical psychologist. She has spent almost a decade as both a researcher and practitioner in the field of psychological testing, and her work has been widely disseminated through conferences and scholarly journals.