Public Relations and Journalism

About The Book

The practise of journalism (print media), broadcasting on television and radio, film, public relations, or advertising are frequently linked to the study of mass communication. The study of communication has expanded to take into account social media and new media, which offer more robust feedback models than conventional media sources due to the multiplicity of media possibilities. The four fields listed below are widely regarded as the main areas of study within mass communication, despite the fact that the field is constantly changing. They exist in various configurations and forms at various colleges and universities, but are generally used (in some capacity) at those that focus on public communication. Marketing a good or service in a way that persuades the audience to purchase it or use it is known as advertising in the context of mass communication. The present book was created in light of the enormous changes that have been noted in practically all areas of life in the twenty-first century, as well as the considerable changes in the media's function. Its evolving function and perception are being marked consciously. The book conducts a thorough investigation of the aforementioned facts.

ISBN 9781778807219
Author Nicole Brown
Publication Year 2023
Category Journalism
Price $171.00

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Nicole Brown teaches journalism at the Institute of Media and Communication and serves as the initiative's director for the globalisation and social change. His areas of interest in research include globalisation and the media, global news reporting, international communication, cultural and critical studies of news, internet journalism, and technology-enhanced instruction. He is the author of the Daily News, Eternal Stories, which has won several awards. His most recent book examines media and globalisation. He has written numerous research articles and book chapters, contributed often to a number of newspapers and publications, and commented on current events on National Public Radio and other media.