Quantum optics Basics

About The Book

The fundamental concepts required to comprehend quantum optics and conduct quantum optics research are thoroughly covered in this book. It offers a wide range of theoretical tools and significant findings for two-level and semiconductor media, many of which were previously only available in specialised monographs or the original literature. The book demonstrates how many things that at first glance seem unrelated are actually closely related. "Quantum Optics" was written to satisfy academic requirements for degree-seeking and postgraduate students. The topic has been covered in such a straightforward manner that students won't have any trouble understanding it. The book covers the syllabus and the most of the examples were taken from various university test exams.

ISBN 9781778806601
Author Sam Philo
Publication Year 2023
Category Physics
Price $184.00

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Sam Philo is Professor of optical physics and incumbent of the Noble Foundation Chair. Sam Philo has expanded on quantum mechanics, system-reservoir interactions, and second quantization in this edition and added new chapters on atom optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics. He is a fellow of the National Society and a well-known expert in theoretical quantum optics. He has also received numerous honours, including the Optical Society Prize. He created this edition for first- and second-year graduate students as well as upper-level undergraduates pursuing quantum optics courses after having taken a quantum mechanics course. In addition to books and academic and professional articles on quantum optics and other physics topics, he has authored more than 69 publications