R-based Nonparametric Statistical Techniques

About The Book

Statistics Without Parameters Standard nonparametric techniques and rank-based analyses are covered when using R, as well as estimate and deduction for models ranging from simple area models to general direct and nonlinear models for uncorrelated and corresponding reactions. Applications and quantifiable calculation are highlighted by the creators. They demonstrate the methods using R, including the packages Rfit and npsm, with a wide variety of real and faked information instances. Before addressing nonparametrics, the book provides a schematic of the R dialect and key factual concepts. It offers rank-based approaches for one- and two-example problems, relapse model approaches, general settled impacts ANOVA and ANCOVA model calculations, and time-to-occasion analyses. The final two sections address material that has been further refined, such as high breakdown fits for generic relapse models and rank-based inference for bunch-related data. The book can be used as a core text or supplemental resource in a course on related nonparametric or robust tactics and as a source of perspective for scientists who will eventually need to implement nonparametric and rank-based methodologies. It explains to readers the right ways to utilise R to apply these ideas through a variety of examples.

ISBN 9781778807448
Author Erick Patrick
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $184.00

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Erick Patrick runs the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, FRS, OBE, at the University of Cambridge's Centre for Mathematical Sciences. The Art of Statistics, his best-selling book, has been translated into 10 other languages. In addition to becoming President of the Royal Statistical Society (2017–2018) and a Non-Executive Director of the UK Statistics Authority in 2020, he was knighted in 2015 for his contributions to medical statistics.