Recombinant DNA Technology Applications

About The Book

Recombinant DNA technology modifies an organism's phenotypic by integrating a genetically changed vector into its genome. The procedure entails inserting a foreign DNA structure into the gene's genome. This gene is recombinant, and the technique is recombinant DNA technology. Inserting a gene into a host's genome is difficult. It entails selecting the required gene for the host and the perfect vector with which to integrate it and generate recombinant DNA. The host must then receive this recombinant DNA. And last, it must be passed on to children. In molecular cloning, a vector is a DNA molecule used to transport foreign genetic material into another cell (e.g.- plasmid, cosmic, Lambda phages). Recombinant DNA is vector-containing foreign DNA. Plasmids, viral vectors, cosmids, and artificial chromosomes are vectors. Plasmids are the most frequent. Engineered vectors have a replication origin, multicloning site, and selectable marker. Recombinant DNA Technology focuses on recombinant DNA technology and its applications. The book covers recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering, protein expression of cloned genes, PCR amplification of DNA, RFLP, AFLP, DNA fingerprinting, and siRNA technology. Postgraduate students and lecturers in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Microbiology, Life Science, Pharmacy, Agriculture, and Basic Medical Sciences can use it.

ISBN 9781778806120
Author Lucy Drummond
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Lucy Drummond earned her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Kenya. She subsequently worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Industrial Biology, where she earned her Doctorate (PhD). She began as a Scientific Associate and superannuated as Chief Scientist & Head of the Molecular & Human Genetics Division. She is currently an Emeritus Scientist and Professor Emeritus. She has advised 20 Ph.D. students, 15 Master of Dental Surgery students, and over 150 MSc/MSPharm/MTech dissertation students on a short-term basis. She has written several works, including two volumes for post-graduate students,