Reproduction and Development of Invertebrates

About The Book

People working in the sectors of science, business, the environment, and medicine are becoming more and more interested in learning where and how invertebrates live, reproduce, and evolve. The Invertebrate Reproduction and Development fills a gap in the literature for an updated reference that summarises key details for all universally accepted phyla. It gives readers a summary of the main reproductive and developmental techniques used by animals worldwide. The basic and understandable biology of invertebrate reproduction and development is covered in Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. It will be emphasised to students and researchers in the domains of morphology, developmental biology, and invertebrate biology how the study of invertebrates has been the forefront in the quest to comprehend the mechanisms by which life is defined and propagated. The book discusses oogenesis, spermatogenesis, fertilisation, and embryonic development after a brief historical overview that defines the conceptual foundations of invertebrate zoology and embryology. In addition, this book covers the morphology and evolution of larvae and provides information on phylogenetically including annelids, priapulans, molluscs, bryozoans, and echinoderms.

ISBN 9781778807110
Author Tyler Gabriel
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Tyler Gabriel maintains adjunct research roles in addition to being a professor and the director of conservation and research. In addition, he chairs the Division of Invertebrate Zoology of the Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology and has written a successful textbook on invertebrate biology. Many institutions, including the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Geographic Society, have given Tyler Gabriel research funding. The Smithsonian Visiting Investigator Award was given to him. He offers an up-to-date viewpoint on a sizable group, as well as numerous revisions in species taxonomy based on invertebrate research. He has roughly 79 research publications to his name, including papers, book chapters, reviews, and technical documents.