Reproductive Animal Immunology

About The Book

As a prelude to more thorough analyses, the book is anticipated to include an investigation of microbiology, immunology, and creature production. To quickly refer to any fundamental information needed and to aid in understanding the topic covered in this book, an overview of immunology is included in the book. The book is guaranteed to provide the essential understanding of conceptive immunology in organisms. It is meant to complement the few books on multiplication that are currently available, not to replace them. Numerous facts on conceptive immunology are presented in the book Immunological Aspects of Reproduction in Creatures, which also demonstrates how complicated this area is and how many questions still need to be answered. vaccination of a small number of animal species with the hypothalamic hormone LH-RH, pituitary gonadotrophins, or ovarian steroids; and efforts focused on enhancing animal reproduction by either active or inert immunisation of female farm animals against steroid hormones.

ISBN 9781778807035
Author Edgar Lutiens
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Edgar Lutiens is a professor emeritus is a former director of the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology. He has been conducting immunology research for more than 42 years. Tumor immunology, cell biology, immunology and medical zoology, immunology of animal reproduction, and hereditary illnesses are some of his main study specialties. The Moving Academy of Medicine and Biomedicine was founded by him. Fellow of the National Science Academy and the Academy of Sciences, Edgar Lutiens. He has received the National Award for Applied Immunology Research. Numerous articles on immunology, microbiology, and neurology have been written by Edgar Lutiens.