Research Methods And Physical Education Statistics

About The Book

The challenge of organising the daily schedule for each individual class is one of the most important challenges, but it is also one that is commonly disregarded. This should be carried out with caution. It is only necessary for a novice to write out in detail the various aspects of the lesson that is to be taught; however, capable and experienced teachers can usually benefit from jotting down a few brief notes or key words as they think through the upcoming lesson. Research is an investigation that is careful, systematic, and objective and that is conducted in order to obtain valid facts, draw conclusions, and establish principles regarding an identifiable problem in some field of knowledge. This book focuses on the technique of research in the subject of physical education and sports sciences. It covers all of the many parts of this methodology. It is my sincere hope that this book will prove helpful in a variety of settings, including for students, instructors of physical education and sports, members of the general public, researchers, and aspiring coaches.

ISBN 9781778807769
Author Emelia Salinaas
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $171.00

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Emelia Salinaas is a Professor and current head of the College of Education. He has over a dozen years of experience teaching and writing about research methodologies. Additionally, he has undertaken research on teaching in physical education with a primary focus on how children learn motor skills and build attitudes. Thomas is the author of over 79 research articles, in addition to many books and book chapters, and all of the previous editions of this book. In addition, he has written several books and book chapters. His research interests include evaluation technique, evidence-based education, the involvement of practitioners in research, school effectiveness and improvement, particularly the methodology of school effectiveness research, and the involvement of practitioners in research. He has written extensively on the topic of the connection between educational theory and practice, with a special focus on the ties that exist between communitarianism, social virtues, citizenship, and religious education. He serves the Society for Educational Studies in the capacity of Secretary.