Sales and hospitality management

About The Book

One of the largest and fastest expanding global sectors is hospitality. It includes companies involved in transportation, tourism, lodging, dining, drinking, entertainment, recreation, and activities. This book provides in depth instruction based on hospitality organisations. It introduces crucial sales and marketing\concepts and describes how they apply to hospitality businesses and customers. It familiarise students in any undergraduate programme to the real world of hospitality sales and gives successful career in hospitality. Marketing and sales are connected ideas, and each is both an art and a science. Sales flow from marketing. Lewis said it best: "Marketing is communicating with target market customers and delivering them what they want, when and when they want it, and at a price they are willing and able to pay."The primary focus of sales is on the communication aspect of marketing. It requires directly and personally convincing potential clients that you and your company have the right product, at the right time and place, and at the right price, whether it be a hotel, restaurant, casino, or contracted food services. Marketing is getting and keeping customer,a macro approach to managing a successful business. In a broadsense, marketing is the development and delivery of a successful product,that is the development and delivery of a satisfied customer. Hotel sales comprises finding that customer and matching his or her specific needs with the right product offering, a microo one-on-one approach to customer satisfaction. This book has been structured by taking in mind the requirements of students specializing in sales management, marketing and other allied fields,whose main accountability is to achieve targets and results.

ISBN 9781778806984
Author Kenneth Lawrence
Publication Year 2023
Category Management
Price $158.00

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Kenneth Lawrence is Over 25 years of expertise in the fields of hotel management and education. He previously held professor positions in the Department of Hotel Administration at Indiana University and the University of Bristol, as well as the role of President of the Educational Institute of the USA Hotel and Lodging Association (USAH&LA). He is a prolific author, having published over a number of textbooks, including different version translated into Chinese, Portuguese, Croatian and Spanish and many other languages. He received the Hospitality Industry Food Management Certification in addition to his Ph.D. Professional(FMP)front the International Restaurant Association (IRA) where he has served as a consultant. He also has earned the Certified Food and Beverage Executive(CFBE) and Certified Hospitality Administrator (CHA) from the Canadian Hotel and lodging Association. Here received his Bachelor of Science (BS), Master of Science (MS), and Ph.D. degrees in educational administration from Indiana University.