Social Interaction and Social Structure

About The Book

Now that we're well into the new millennium, this is an important subject to consider. Can you tell me which way we'll be heading? What exactly is the character of social change? How does the country's economy respond to new social and political forces? This book focuses mostly on Social Structure and Social Interaction in light of the knock-on effects that socioeconomic progress should have on these two spheres of human life. This book is a great resource for understanding how social structures and norms evolve through time in advanced societies. This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in sociology, social anthropology, or the study of social change because of its thorough research and clear writing. This book is an excellent resource for anyone curious about how society is evolving.

ISBN 9781778807790
Author Daniel Liu
Publication Year 2023
Category Sociology
Price $158.00

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Daniel Liu is a member of the sociology faculty, Daniel Liu holds the position of assistant professor. He received a doctorate of honour. Both the Section on Theoretical Sociology and the Section on Organizations and Occupations of the American Sociological Association have had him as their Chair. He has held the position of Scholar-in-Residence at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences and the Bermingham Institute for Advanced Study. Daniel Liu is most enthusiastic about the fields of meta-theory and applied social theory. His works in the field of meta-theory include