Sociolingual Studies

About The Book

Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the influence of any and all components of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the use of language, and the influence of language on society. It varies from language sociology, which focuses on the influence of language on society. Sociolinguistics and pragmatics intersect substantially. It is historically tied to linguistic anthropology, and the line between the two fields has been called into question. This work examines the social existence of language. The scope of the field varies from microanalyses to comprehensive policy and planning initiatives. As such, sociolinguistics, the sociology of language, and psycholinguistics inform this book. The relationship between language and identity, whether of an individual or a group, is the unifying theme of the book's several chapters. It provides academics and advanced students with access to the field's most critical topics and debates, as well as a forum for new sociolinguistic research efforts.

ISBN 9781778807806
Author Potter Lancaster
Publication Year 2023
Category Language & Literature
Price $158.00

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Potter Lancaster is an Associate Professor at Nottingham. His publications include Investigating English Language, Linguistics and Contextualized Stylistics. He has conducted research and published articles on English dialects and he is the editor of Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications. The current edition of Potter Lancaster’s book has been fully revised, and additional examples have been added to aid comprehension. This edition features an expanded chapter on discourse analysis that covers a variety of methods for examining spoken language in its social context. Potter Lancaster is extremely devoted to all aspects of reading, writing, rights, and advantages. George Delgadillo is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Manchester. He is the author of several publications, including About Linguistics, Understanding English Grammar, and Proper English, all of which were published by a reputable publisher. The current edition of Socio Linguistics by George Delgadillo masterfully synthesises the subject's primary approaches. It includes topics like multilingualism, code-switching, linguistic diversity, dialectology, interactional studies, gender, language contact, language and inequality, and language and power. He has published around 46 research publications in prestigious national and international journals and conference proceedings.