Sports Training and Physical Education

About The Book

The focus of physical education, whether as a career, a field of study, or a set of activities, is on human movement requiring motor abilities, including games, gymnastics, dance, exercise, and fitness. One of the most effective forms of educational media is created when human movement is fused with the universal desire of play. This book is dedicated to illuminating the outcomes of rigorous physical education and athletic preparation. It provides a more in-depth description of the components of physical education that focus on these criteria. The book took a critical stance on the topics, which is essential for developing one’s body and mind in a constructive and healthy way through physical education.

ISBN 9781778807547
Author Alan Hoffilena
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $171.00

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Alan Hoffilena, Ph.D., teaches courses in sport science and coaching. In addition to her expertise in senior fitness programme development and functional fitness assessment, she also has extensive experience in the development of curriculum standards for the training of physical activity teachers. She has done groundbreaking work in the field of fall risk assessment and programming, earning her accolades on both a national and worldwide scale. Many scholarly journals have featured her work on reducing the likelihood of falls among the older population. In addition to her work as a teacher and coach, Alan Hoffilena has published articles and written theoretical works on both education and athletics. She has more than 124 works out there, spanning the genres of academic and professional articles, journalism, and books. She belongs to the National Educational Research Association and its Physical Education Special Interest Group (Association for Physical).