Statistical Analysis, Techniques and Data Management

About The Book

Data management and Statistical Analysis Techniques provides a comprehensive method for dealing with multivariate statistical analysis, which is essential for scientists working in all areas of administration, such as finance, production, accounting, marketing, methodology, innovation, and human resources. This book's primary objective is to provide readers with a conceptual understanding of the principles that are concealed inside the most important multivariate systems as well as a schematic representation of real-world applications. It provides a rational and condensed explanation of each approach, with an emphasis on when each method is appropriate and how to apply it. The book, which highlights a variety of models, is intended to serve either as an advanced content or as a resource for connected analysts working in industry. These analysts need to comprehend the foundations of the strategies that are especially pertinent and commonly utilised in management research, and they additionally need to figure out how these strategies can be connected utilising generally accessible measurable programming. The book can fill either of these roles.

ISBN 9781778806502
Author Edward Rawlings
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $164.00

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Edward Rawlings is a psychology professor, a member of the Council for Psychological Science, and an associate editor for three statistics publications. He also belongs to the Diagnostic And statistical Institute. He is the author of over 119 papers published in various statistical magazines, as well as twelve additional books on statistics. Evan Rawlings holds an M.A. in statistics from UC Berkeley and a B.A. in mathematics from Trinity College. He has worked in both academic research and industry. He specialises in data management, Using R & R Studio for Data Management, Statistical Analysis & Graphics, Understanding & Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R, and statistical computing.