Statistics: An Overview With R

About The Book

Fundamental Statistics uses the free, top-notch computer language R to introduce statistics. This book introduces students to statistics and R. PC programming helps some factual presenting and information research systems use large informational indexes to get useful results. R allows users to apply a wide range of statistical approaches, from simple regression to summarised direct demonstrating. Statistics: An Introduction Using R is a concise introduction to quantitative research using this powerful and free programming. Includes fundamental procedures like t-tests and chi-squared tests, intermediate methods like regression and analysis of fluctuation, and advanced approaches like summed up direct displaying.

ISBN 9781778807899
Author Weyscot Victor
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $184.00

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Weyscot Victor teaches engineering at the university level. He also has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in addition to his Master's in statistics and computer science. But before going to school, he was a logic and circuit designer at Intel, helping to create the company’s Itanium and Pentium II processors. Since then, he has consulted for a wide range of successful design studios. He has several passions in life, including the guitar, exploration, developing innovative technology, wind surfing, and rock climbing. He has recently taken up kite surfing, is conducting research on the use of sketching interfaces in digital circuit design, and has been working as a scientific correspondent for a local NPR station. He is currently proficient in four languages and hopes to learn more in the near future. Research Fellow at a lab examining mobile technologies for dynamic configuration and wireless networking.