Statistics and Mathematics

About The Book

In all commercial organisations, statistics and math are frequently used in the decision-making process. The researcher can decide on business challenges with objectivity by using mathematical and statistical tools. This book was well-written and uses straightforward language. This book's goal is to present key elements of mathematical and statistical techniques that are frequently utilised in business, management, and economics. There are now more topics in mathematics and statistics that must be mastered. Additionally, it is becoming more and more important in helping to find solutions to issues that arise in the social sciences. The foundation of numerous fields, in addition. The fields of mathematics and statistics are always developing, producing fascinating new theories, difficult challenges, and innovative applications. Many various fields, including business, computer science, engineering, medical, social sciences, and the natural and social sciences, apply new methodologies and models. The book is a thorough examination of all the subject's key elements. Each topic is covered in a methodical and logical manner. One of the main goals of developing this book was to give the reader enough essential knowledge about various elements of the subject.

ISBN 9781778807233
Author Oscar Miles
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $171.00

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Oscar Miles is a Mathematical professor who teaches in Argentina. She spent several years instructing students in business and professional courses in mathematics, statistics, and information processing. She has more than three decades of expertise in both teaching and conducting research, and at the Institute of Science and Engineering, she has taught engineering and management students. She received the Best Teacher Award and the Academic Excellence Award at the International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Practices. About 46 research publications by Oscar Miles have been published in reputable national and international journals and conference proceedings.