Statistics and Probability

About The Book

Statistics and mathematical analysis play a significant role in the decision-making process across the board in commercial organisations. By utilising mathematical and statistical methods, the researcher can make decisions regarding business difficulties in an objective manner. The writing in this book is clear and concise, making it a pleasure to read. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to fundamental aspects of mathematical and statistical methods that are widely applied in business, management, and economics. Mathematical and statistical expertise is required for a broader range of issues than ever before. In addition to this, its significance in assisting in the search for solutions to problems that crop up in the social sciences is growing with each passing day. In addition, the basis of a great many fields. Both the discipline of mathematics and the field of statistics are continually evolving, which results in the production of exciting new theories, challenging new problems, and inventive new applications. Applying new approaches and models is common practise in a wide variety of sectors, including business, computer science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and both the scientific and social sciences. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental aspects of the topic at hand. Every subject is addressed in a way that is both methodical and rational. When I set out to write this book, one of my primary objectives was to provide the reader with sufficient fundamental information regarding a variety of aspects associated with the topic.

ISBN 9781778807684
Author Cassara Robert
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $184.00

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Cassara Robert is a professor of mathematics in Canada, where he is now employed. She spent a number of years working as a teacher for students enrolled in business and professional courses in areas such as mathematics, statistics, and information processing. He has more than three decades of experience in both teaching and conducting research. At the Institute of Science and Engineering, he has taught students majoring in engineering and management. At the International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Practices, he was honoured with both the Academic Excellence Award and the Best Teacher Award. Cassara Robert has had around 56 research articles published in renowned national and international journals as well as conference proceedings.