Studies in Immunology, Cellular and Molecular

About The Book

The study of immune systems across all living organisms is known as immunology. Immune cells and molecules are the focus of cellular immunology. The focus of this area of study is on the interplay between various cellular and molecular components to mount a defence against infectious agents. Scientists studying cellular immunology examine the immune systems of both healthy people and those who are actively fighting off pathogens, looking for both similarities and differences in the cellular physiology of the two states. The goal of the sub-discipline of immunology known as "molecular immunology" is to investigate the cellular and sub-cellular mechanisms of the immune response. When the body detects a threat, like bacteria or a virus, it activates the immune system to combat the invader. If a foreign body sets off the immune system, it is usually very specific in its reaction. Antibodies made by the body are like keys made for specific locks; each one is made to open only one type of lock. Molecular immunology is a subfield of immunology that investigates immune response mechanisms at the molecular level. Since immunology is a rapidly developing field, every effort has been made to keep this work as current as possible to meet the needs of students and researchers. The authors distil the essential information on immunology and present it to the peasants in a clear, concise format to help students get ready for their courses.

ISBN 9781778806359
Author Ron Evans
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Ron Evans is a Microbiology Professor. He worked for seven years in the fields of Immunology and Microbiology, Cellular and Molecular Immunotherapy, and Plant Biology after receiving his Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Immunology from Germany. He also took on a lectureship in Plant Biology and researched in the fields of Microbiology and Immunology, agricultural microbes and ecosystem, and antibiotic synthesis from bacteria. He has written six books, over 28 articles and research papers, and has presented several presentations at national and international conferences