Systems For Geographic Information And Remote Sensing

About The Book

Where is the closest movie theatre, for example? can be integrated and analysed using geographic information systems. alongside pertinent non-spatial data. Geographic information systems can function on a variety of platforms and have three main capabilities. The observation of or gathering of data about a target by a device placed some distance away from it is referred to as remote sensing. In the 1960s, as the use of spy satellites started to transition from the military to the civilian sector, geographers at the US Office of Naval Research created the term "remote sensing." The last 20 years have seen a significant increase in the use of remote sensing and geographic information system techniques, particularly by earth scientists. Geologists, geographers, regional planners, and environmentalists who work in the fields of terrain studies, urban planning, regional planning, natural resource management, and disaster management, as well as mineral exploration, archaeological excavation, and geographical and topographical analysis. There are many opportunities to monitor and manage natural resources at multitemporal, multispectral, and multispatial resolution thanks to remote sensing and geographic information systems. This system is founded on fresh resources and tools made available by contemporary technologies. To the reader who aspires to make the world a better and more meaningful place, the book provides a step-by-step appreciation of geographic information sciences as a subject and geographic information systems as a tool to understand the real world.

ISBN 9781778806939
Author Murray Filip
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $191.00

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Murray Filip earned a PhD in engineering from Massey University. He is currently the course coordinator of the Computer Aided Design Centre, Massey University. He has more than 25 years of industrial, teaching, and research experience in the domains of remote sensing, GNSS, GIS, and CAD. He has published many research papers, monographs, and textbooks on remote sensing, GIS, GNSS, and CAD. Murray Filip has been instrumental in initiating a large number of courses on geoinformatics, GNSS, CAD, and related fields. He is a life member of several national and international societies.