Technologies for Mobile and E- Commerce

About The Book

This book serves as a thorough primer on the subject of electronic commerce. E-commerce is revolutionising the way business is done and creating huge transformations in the global economy, therefore we'll be focusing on ideas that will help you keep up with these developments and capitalise on them. The term "e-commerce" refers to the practise of conducting business using digital networks like the Internet. It entails the exchange of products, services, and data via electronic means. Online stock trading and airline ticket purchases are only two examples of mature EC and m-commerce apps that now outpace their non-Internet counterparts. E-commerce and electronic communication, however, encompass more than simply the exchange of goods and services; they also involve the sharing of ideas and the discovery of new knowledge. It covers a wide range of topics, from online education to online governance to social media. Electronic and mobile commerce (EC and m-commerce) affects a wide range of sectors worldwide, including economic activity, occupational fields, international trade, and the lives of billions of individuals.

ISBN 9781778806533
Author John Cameron
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $171.00

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John Cameron is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Technology, where he has spent ten years teaching courses in management information systems, systems, databases, and hardware/software. The author of more than three top-selling textbooks for Course Technology, he brings significant strength and industry knowledge to this text. He earned his bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees in computer science. He is also a technical trainer and instructional designer who specializes in HTML, XML, and Web technologies. In the United states, he has taught mark up languages and Web design to thousands of technical workers.