Technology for Producing and Processing Fruit

About The Book

Fruit Production and Processing Technology is an intriguing field-developed subject that provides readers with a thorough and coherent overview of the fundamental requirements of orchard management along with the ideas and methods of plant regeneration, maintenance, and fruit preservation. A wide range of fruits can be used to create a variety of semi-finished products using the right technological procedure, starting with fresh fruits that have just been picked from the field or kept in climate-controlled warehouses. The degree of ripeness, the freshness, and the cleanliness of the raw materials are crucial for producing juice of excellent quality. Fruit is sometimes referred to as the byproduct of angiosperm, or flowering plant, growth. A fruit may merely be the fleshy growth that develops from a flower's ovary from a strictly botanical perspective, and it need not necessarily contain any additional components. However, from the perspective of the consumer or food processor, fruit is commonly defined as the edible part of a plant or tree that includes the seed and its envelope and is typically described as juicy, sweet, and pulpy. The goal of the current book is to give readers a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of fruit production and technology.

ISBN 9781778806809
Author Michael Kors
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Michael Kors is the project's administrative editor and editorial consultant. He is a consultant to the food industry and is the author or editor of numerous books in the fields of food science, technology, engineering, and law, such as the data source book for food scientists and technologists, the Encyclopedia of food science and technology, the handbook on food borne diseases, and the technology for producing and processing fruits. He formerly held the position of department head for food preservation. Several research papers of Michael Kors have been published in national and international journals.