Technology in Education Today

About The Book

The use of technology in education to enhance learning and teaching is known as modern educational technology. Technology used in education is frequently referred to as learning technology or instructional technology. The terms "educational" and "technology" are frequently employed in a more limited context: the former refers to procedures for transferring knowledge, skill, and judgement to children; the latter, to high technology, particularly Information Technology (IT). The Modern Education Technology book is intended to impart knowledge about contemporary educational technologies, teaching methods, instructional strategies, classroom discipline, and other related topics. The needs of education planners, students, instructors, and those who are directly or indirectly involved in education will be met by this book. The book's chapters explore a variety of contemporary issues. It is intended that it will benefit both the student and the teacher in terms of learning and teaching.

ISBN 9781778807356
Author Ralph Wheeler
Publication Year 2023
Category Education
Price $158.00

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Ralph Wheeler is Professor of education and head of the Educational Techniques and Methodology. On the subject of teacher education, he has talked and written extensively. English grammar, second language acquisition, educational technology, and methodologies for teaching foreign languages. Ralph Wheeler was given the Best Teacher Award and the Academic Excellence Award at the International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Practices. About 49 research pieces by Ralph Wheeler have been published in reputable national and international journals and conference proceedings. Joseph Sam holds a Masters and PhD, and he has written numerous books and journal papers on topics related to education research and teacher preparation. He has worked in the commercial and educational sectors for three decades. Joseph Sam has worked with networks of teachers to develop their classroom assessments as part of his practitioner research projects. Additionally, he contributed to the creation of Education Studies as a discipline. He served as the Education Studies Association's chair and most recently took part in the evaluation of the Benchmarks for Education Studies.