The Electron Theory

About The Book

Since antiquity, electrical phenomena have been explored, but until the seventeenth and eighteenth century, theoretical knowledge of these phenomena remained sluggish. Even then, there weren't many practical uses for electricity, and it wouldn't be until the late nineteenth century that electrical engineers could put it to use in homes and businesses. Electrical technology was rapidly developing during this period, transforming society and industry and serving as a catalyst for the Second Industrial Revolution. Due to electricity's exceptional adaptability, it may be used for a virtually infinite number of purposes, including transportation, heating, lighting, communications, and computation. Modern industrial society is now supported by electricity. After reading this book, you ought to be able to explain the fundamentals of electron movement, static electricity, discuss the fundamentals of magnetism and electrical theory while talking about conductors and insulators.

ISBN 9781778806588
Author Antonio Edward
Publication Year 2023
Category Physics
Price $171.00

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Antonio Edward graduated with a degree in engineering in this area before earning his doctorate at the Cavendish Laboratory's electron microscopy section. Before accepting a research job in the Laboratory of Electron Optics, he stayed there for a number of years, working on electron optics and digital image processing. Prior to that, he assumed the editorship of Advances in Electronics & Electron Physics and set the bar high by maintaining a diverse topic matter. He recently wrote lengthy historical articles on the correction of electron lens aberrations, the first of which was based on a lecture given at a Society meeting. He has a keen interest in the history of electrons, optics, and microscopy. He was a Senior Research Fellow at Petersburg and a Research Fellow at Porter house. He has written numerous books and papers for scholarly journals and serves on editorial boards