The study of cells, genes, and molecules

About The Book

Cytology is a subspecialty of pathology, a field of medicine that deals with identifying illnesses and conditions by examining body tissue samples. Cytology, also referred to as cell biology, is the study of cell structure, composition, and interactions with other cells and their surroundings. Cytopathology is a branch of cytology that examines cell structure to identify disease. A type of medical examination known as genetic testing looks for changes in proteins, genes, or chromosomes. An individual's likelihood of developing or passing on a genetic disorder can be determined using the results of a genetic test, which can also confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition. There are currently more than 1,000 genetic tests available, and more are being created. All facets of chromosome biology and the use of molecular cytogenetic methods in biomedicine are covered by the field of molecular cytogenetics, which also includes the structural and functional organisation of the chromosome and nucleus, genome variation, expression, and evolution, chromosome abnormalities, and genomic variations in the context of medical genetics and tumour genetics. The purpose of Molecular Biology is to present a cogent, illuminating work on the topic so that experts can approach it with an expert reader can approach it with an eager constitution. Since molecular biology is one of the branches of biology that advances the most quickly, it is crucial for students to not only possess the most recent knowledge but also comprehend the experimental methodology used in current cell and molecular biology research. We sincerely hope that every student will find this book to be very beneficial.

ISBN 9781778806489
Author Jack Turner
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Jack Turner is a Professor of Human Genetics in Australia. His earlier novels have a reputation for being easy to understand. He has multiple research articles published in prestigious national and international journals. He is the author of Plant Cytogenetics and Plant Biotechnology books. Plant Molecular Genetics, Eukaryotic Molecular, Gene Control, Plant Cytogenetic, Breeding and Evolution, Plant Molecular Genetics, and other areas of study are among his primary research interests. His present teaching involves Eukaryotic Molecular Biology, including Gene Control, as well as Masters courses in Gene Regulation to students. His lab has discovered genes that govern stem cells, and his team is well-known across the world for discovering skeletal stem cells and genetic abnormalities in blood malignancies.