The Study of Children's Mental Health

About The Book

Children's Mental Health is a popular subfield in psychology. This area focuses on prenatal development through puberty. Child psychology focuses on physical, mental, emotional, and social development. What function do child psychologists have in children's lives? Child psychology covers how humans evolve from infancy through adolescence and tries to explain why. Are 3-year-olds, 7-year-olds, and teens different because of their experiences or because of biological changes? Researchers and practitioners typically segregate child development into distinct domains since child psychology is so wide. Physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development are affected. Child psychologists study how children learn, think, connect with others, make friends, comprehend emotions, and develop personalities, temperaments, and talents. Children attain milestones. These milestones include walking and talking at similar ages for most youngsters. We're interested in how children accomplish milestones and how individual, societal, and cultural variables affect development. Child psychology is a popular subfield in psychology. This analysed niches. This area focuses on prenatal development through puberty. Child psychology will help students and instructors. General readers can learn about common kid difficulties and practical remedies.

ISBN 9781778806373
Author Alex Jefferson
Publication Year 2023
Category Psychology
Price $171.00

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Alex Jefferson, Ph.D., is a retired department chair and professor emeritus of the Institute of Child and Family Development. He holds an M.Ed. in Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, and his dissertation research focused on early literacy teaching. He has worked as a nursery and primary school teacher, as well as an early childhood and inclusion consultant. During his time at the Public University, he collaborated with the Department of Teacher Development faculty to create continuity from pre primary to primary school in the program for students pursuing an early childhood education licensure. She also served as a guest presenter at a number of institutes.