The Theories And Methods Of Education

About The Book

Learning, or the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and habits, is facilitated by education. Teaching, training, discussion, and focused study are all examples of educational practises. Learners can educate themselves, however education is typically done with the help of educators. Any event that has a forming impact on a person's thoughts, feelings, or behaviour may be seen as educational, whether it occurs in a formal context or an informal one. Pedagogy refers to the process of teaching. Preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, followed by college, university, or an apprenticeship are frequent formal divisions of education. Several nations, including the United Nations, have acknowledged the right to an education. Most places have a minimum age at which education is required. Nearly every educational topic that is important for education students is covered in this thorough book. It covers several universities' curricula. The basic principles of education, formal, informal, and non-formal education, goals and purposes of education, curricula, peer education, education values, etc. are all covered in the book's contents. Additionally, as a source of information, this book might be helpful to educators and researchers.

ISBN 9781778807615
Author William Mohning
Publication Year 2023
Category History
Price $171.00

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William Mohning is the CEO of International and Comparative Education Research Group, who also serves as director of studies at the Center for the Study of Education in a Global Context. He earned a Ph.D. in Education Studies in addition to a Masters in Family Sciences with a focus on Family Life Education. He has authored or coauthored a large number of outreach publications for lay readers and professionals, written hundreds of articles for newspaper columns, participated in numerous interviews for media outlets including radio, television, and magazines, and directed well-known outreach family life education programmes. Since taking a job with the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, he has created a significant amount of Web-based parent education and worked with the national group that is creating national standards for parenting educators. The creation of a national paradigm and curriculum for couples education is another project he is working on.