The Western Political Tradition

About The Book

What is the state, what is government, what is politics, what is property, what is law, and how is it enforced by authority? What makes a government legitimate? What rights and freedoms should it protect and why? What form should it take and why? What is the law? What duties do citizens owe to a legitimate government, if any, and when may it be legitimately overthrown? These are all questions that political philosophy seeks to answer. From the very beginning, the application of political power has been a central focus in Western political thinking. When preparing for college and standardised tests, Western political thought is a crucial area of study. To everybody with an interest in politics, it is of comparable significance. The purpose of this book is to give readers with cutting-edge and fundamental information on this crucial topic. Care has been taken in the selection of the material to ensure that it is relevant to the course objectives. The essays included are meant to be user-friendly. The present book presents the background information on political philosophers and their works and contributions to western political theory. This book provides a clear and concise history of political philosophy from antiquity through the middle ages, the renaissance, and the modern era. Anyone from a student to a professor, a researcher to a politician, and anyone in between will find value in this book.

ISBN 9781778807981
Author Ronald Vernon
Publication Year 2023
Category Political Science
Price $158.00

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Ronald Vernon is a Professor of Politics. He is an experienced educator. Many universities have invited him to teach as a visiting professor. Ronald Vernon was the founding editor of the magazine Democracy and a professor of political philosophy for forty years. The field is where he has published extensively. His main areas of study are generalised inverses and political theory. Currently, he is the International Political Review’s book review editor. He is a member of the European National Science Academy and the European Academy of Sciences. Ronald Vernon modernises political science knowledge and demonstrates why traditional approaches are outdated in light of recent events. Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future, written by Ronald Vernon , shows how, in light of current events, all of the major theoretical traditions from which present Western political norms were derived are incoherent. He is widely recognised as an authority on international politics thanks to his many publications and media appearances.