Theory of Numbers

About The Book

Despite the fact that math majors are often familiar with number hypothesis after completing a conceptual polynomial math course. Different students frequently need a more important prelude to the theme, especially those in training and the human sciences. The author of this book addresses the problem of maintaining the interest of students at the two levels by providing a combinatorial approach to handle the basic number hypothesis. Concentrate number hypothesis is viewed from such a point of view that math majors are spared repetition and given fresh information, while other understudies profit from the subsequent simplicity of some hypotheses' verifications. The author's emphasis on the estimation of numerical cases in number hypotheses and the role of PCs in obtaining such illustrations is particularly significant in this piece of information. The purpose of this book is to familiarise the reader with key concepts in number theory, including the hypothesis of distinctness, the hypothesis of Diophantine approximations, the hypothesis of arithmetical capacities, prime numbers, number geometry, and added substance and probabilistic number hypotheses.

ISBN 9781778807455
Author Brian Gordon
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $171.00

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Brian Gordon is a Mathematical professor. He received his degree with a focus in analytical geometry. He spent more than 15 years as a professor at National State University. The well-known text Number Theory, Statics and Analytical Geometry, Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry was written by Brian Gordon, who has also actively pursued the discovery of remarkable phenomena in his chosen field of number theory. But maybe his most important finding was one that involved both the physical and the intellectual. He was a well-known mathematician with a significant impact on the anti-Soviet dissident movement. His English-translated algebraic geometry textbooks are considered as industry standards.