Theory of Optimization

About The Book

Numerous problems in finite-dimensional optimization arise in the numerical sciences. The majority of these problems cannot be systematically described. This introduction to optimization aims to find a balance between the development of numerical calculations and the introduction of scientific hypotheses. The content provides a full piece without going into excessive detail, building on students' mathematical and straight variable-based skills. Graduate students studying insights and biostatistics in particular will benefit from its emphasis on factual applications. The target audience also includes students who want to see rigorous math combined with practical applications in related math, computational science, software engineering, financial elements, and material science. Applications can be identified by their primary functional areas in contemporary planning, laying out, and controlling. Machine sequencing, stock control and planning, plant recharging, conveyance, financial matters, and compound process control and outline are the fields covered. Particularly these final two are topics that are commonly overlooked in operations examine educational programme. In each field, the position and status of optimization methods are first described, and then a wide range of practical contextual studies and cases—a significant number of them universal—are examined.

ISBN 9781778807486
Author Paul Miller
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $184.00

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Paul Miller holds a Ph.D. from the Mechanical Engineering department. He has extensive expertise in both teaching and research. In this version, Paul Miller makes an effort to find a balance between the exposition of mathematical theory and the development of numerical algorithms. In the fields of engineering optimization, reliability-based design fuzzy systems, and active control of structures, concurrent design, and vibration engineering, he has published more than 118 scientific papers in internationally renowned journals and more than 85 papers in conference proceedings. His earlier book covered topics including reliability-based design, mechanical vibrations, and optimization: Theory and Applications.