Tourism's Quality and Consumer Satisfaction

About The Book

Quality & Consumer Satisfaction in Tourism are increasingly interested in the national, state, and local economic implications of tourism. This text introduces students to the fundamentals of tourism management. There is a concerted effort to make the material engaging for the readership, as well as a global examination of what tourism entails illustrated by relevant cases. The book is exhaustive in the sense that it covers all aspects of the tourism sector. The book will be required reading for anyone interested in tourism, including students, teachers, professionals, and even commoners. It is written in a clear and straightforward manner so as to be easily comprehended. This book gives a straightforward, straightforward, and easy-to-follow analysis, and it also generates a comprehensive understanding of Quality & Consumer Satisfaction in Tourism. Reading this book will unquestionably be pleasurable for everyone.

ISBN 9781778807721
Author Wendy Christine
Publication Year 2023
Category Travel & Tourism Management
Price $171.00

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Wendy Christine is an author, consultant, and educator with nearly fifty two years of experience in the travel, tourist, and hospitality industries. Her consulting projects included economic, market, and trend analyses and training, as well as institution and sponsor initiatives. Wendy Christine combines her academic career with action research and consulting, focusing on tourism and water rights in Indonesia most recently. She is a director of Equality in Tourism and formerly led Tourism Concern. She is an activist scholar who critiques the repercussions of tourism expansion. Tourism, development, and sustainability, island tourism development, sociology of tourism, and dark tourism are her primary research interests.