Using R to Understand and Apply Fundamental Statistical Methods

About The Book

Acquiring an Understanding of, and Skill in Applying, Fundamental Statistical Methods Using R is a remarkable way to overcome any barrier that may exist between the techniques commonly utilised by non-analysts and the pushes in the measurable writing. The book provides a theoretical premise for understanding the relative benefits and applications of these methods, and it highlights current bits of knowledge and advances that are applicable to fundamental systems regarding the management of non-ord inariness, exceptions, heteroscedasticity (unequal changes), and curvature. [Citation needed] The book incorporates R programming to study initial factual concepts and conventional ways for controlling known concerns linked with exemplary operations. The book also includes a manual for the R programming language. The book is completely classroom tested and includes chapters that focus on either R programming or computational points of interest. This provides the reader with the opportunity to become noticeably familiar with fundamental concepts and standards that are basic regarding understanding and applying the numerous methods that are currently available. The Field of Information Technology

ISBN 9781778807974
Author Paul Henning
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $184.00

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Paul Henning is a professor of mathematics who works in Hungary. He currently works there. He spent a number of years working as a teacher for students enrolled in mathematics, statistics, and information processing classes intended for commercial and professional use. He has more than three decades of experience in both teaching and conducting research, and he has taught engineering and management students at the Institute of Science and Engineering. His expertise is in both fields. He was honoured at the International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Practices with both the Academic Excellence Award and the Best Teacher Award. Paul Henning has had around 66 research articles published in renowned national and international journals in addition to conference proceedings.